Contact Us

Office, Clubroom, and Dancehall above.

WIXOM MI  48393-1654


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For membership information, see Becoming a Member page.

Board of Directors:

President: Rebecca Wendela
Vice President: Tony Koski
Treasurer: Carol Barber
Secretary: Linda Gooden
Works Administrators: Ralph Heikinen, Ray Miller & Brad O’Neill

5 Replies to “Contact Us”

  1. Tapahtumat

    Amerikan st Urhonpäivän tapahtuma myöskin Suomessa Hakalan talossa Länsirannantie 2 Peräseinäjoki tiistaina 16.3.20101 klo 11 – 16.Keittolounas, kansanlaulukaraoke. Yhteislaulua.

    American style of St Urho’s Day event also in Finland
    Hakala house Länsirannantie 2 Peräseinäjoki 16.3.2010 on Tuesday at 11 to 16
    Lunch is soup, folk karaoke. Joint singing.

    Kurikka Finnland 15.3.2010 Winter greetings. Martti Jarvinen

  2. Dear
    My name is John (Juha) Raikkonen. I am the Author of a new book about Finland during the Russian war and the after effect. The name of the book is:
    It is a wonderful book of a young boy’s life during the war times and life after the war. There was turbulence and peace. The boy was sent to Sweden as so many other youngsters experienced. It is an uplifting and refreshing story. Finally at age eight, he arrived home to his mother sister and brother, in Hameenlinna Finland. He had endured good and hard times. At age seventeen he received a ‘MIRACLE’ invitation to America –the land of opportunity- which he embraced with vigor. Eventually he became a successful business man.
    The book has received great reviews from individuals across the country and from several book signing events.
    I am sending this mail to you for you to enjoy the book and to pass the information of my web site to your friends. The book consists of just about 300 pages, soft cover and a beautiful Finnish cover page.
    Please enter my web site:
    Wishing you all the best,
    John (Juha) Raikkonen, Author

    Library of Congress # 2010911919 Copy right @ JOHN RAIKKONEN ISBN#1453735100

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