
Sattuma will be performing in the Finn Camp Dance Hall on Saturday, July 6, at 7:00 p.m.


Advance: $12 adult / $5 child

At door: $15 adult / $7 child (age 17 and under)

 For more information, contact Carol Melancon at

Sattuma, a family folk music group from Petrozavodsk, the republic of Karelia, NW Russia, started performing in 2003. The band’s neo-folk style of traditional music and melodies from Karelia, Ingria and Finland has earned them a huge following in Finland, the United States, Russia, Finland, Sweden, Estonia, Germany and the Netherlands.

Arto Rinne Vocal, bouzuki, accordion, 10-string kantele, 2-row accordion, harmonica

Vladik Demin Violin, flutes, djembe, vocals

Dmitri Demin Clarinet, flutes, mankeri, bag pipe, djembe, didgeridoo, saw

Eila Rinne Vocal, violin, jouhikko

This will be Arto Rinne’s fifth appearance at Finn Camp. His first two were with Myllärit in 2001 and 2002, his third and forth were with the Karelian Folk Music Ensemble and Sattuma, both in 2005. Dmitri is no stranger to Finn Camp either, having performed with both Myllärit and Sattuma. And Vladik and Eila were only 12 and 15 when they had to be coaxed out of Sun Lake to get ready for their first appearance in the clubroom. Check out their website.




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